Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Interview with Lindsey E. Lippincott

This is an interview with Lindsey E. Lippincott. You can find her on Wattpad. 

1. How old are you? - 22 

2. How long have you been writing? - Just a little over a year and a half. 

3. What are your ambitions for your writing career? - Publishing is my final goal. I would love to see one of my books on a shelf in a store. 

4. White writers inspire you? - There are too many. I write mainly YA, so there are various YA writers who have inspired me. Richelle Mead is one, but there are so many. 

5. What are you working on at the moment? - I'm currently working on the sequel to The Huntress. Then I'll be focusing on my new story, Bridge of Souls. 

6. Why do you write? - I write because it's fun. I have all these ideas in my hear, and it's good to get it out. Sharing with others using Wattpad is just a perk, but if I didn't write the ideas, then I'd probably go crazy. 

7. Where do your ideas come from? - My ideas come from everything. I'll read something and get inspiration, I'll watch a movie and get inspiration. I'll watch the way people interact and pull something out of it. Basically every aspect of life I use as inspiration for my ideas.

8. Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just to see where an idea takes you? - I generally have my main idea before I start writing. I'll think of some of the major points, an example being the reveal between Electra and Jared was something I thought out before writing. However, I usually let my writing find its own way to connect the dots. 

9. What is the hardest thing about writing? - Organizing thoughts into something coherent and linear. Starting and ending is also incredibly hard, not the story itself and sometimes chapters. 

10. What's the easiest thing about writing? - To me, creating a character is easy. Naming them is more difficult, but I can come up with a character's personality quite easily. 

11. Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you? - I do a quick run over myself, and then when I complete a book. or the series if there is a sequel, then I go over it all more thoroughly. Everything I do is on my own. 

12. What do you do to get book reviews? - I don't usually seek book reviews. Since my stories are currently only found on Wattpad, my reach is pretty limited. If people approach me about writing in their blogs, or about making a section in their review books, I'm more than happy to let them review. There's no such thing as bad publicity after all. 

13. What's your view on social media or marketing? - Social media is a powerful tool. Because of it, something you share can be seen by people you may never meet. You could post something about a book of yours, or another product, and if your friends share it, then their friends will see it. It's a snowball effect that can really work in the original poster's favor. Just know that the way you present yourself at all times on social media will follow you. 

14. What do you think of "trailers" for books? - If they're done well, then they can be a great tool. I find they are hard to execute well. 

15. Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book/s? (*please provide a link to trailer below if you have one) - I do not have a book trailer for any of my books, and as far as I know, I have no intentions of creating one. 

16. What advice would you give to your younger self? - Start writing sooner. It's something I've always wanted to do, but only started recently. If I'd started sooner, who knows where I'd be now. 

17. What advice would you give to aspiring writers? - Write what you want to write. The story you want to tell is the one that needs to be told. If you're thinking about posting your writing online somewhere, but are afraid of what others might say, don't be. There is no way you can please everyone. Not everyone will like you're story, but as long as you like what you write, know that there is at least one other person out there who will like it too. You never know what your writing could do for someone. 

17. How can readers discover more about you and your work? - I can be found on Wattpad using either @Brink1314 or @Linna1029 and my author page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lelippincott/?fref=ts

_Fantastic Fiction_

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