Divergent is written by Veronica Roth. This book is young adult, romance, and science fiction. Always fiction.
Let's get to know the author, Veronica.
When asked which faction would she choose, Veronica said Abnegation.
She began her undergraduate career at Carlton College and later transferred to Northwestern University. While a student in Northwestern's creative writing program, she began writing her first novel which is known as Divergent.

- Abnegation - denying oneself some right, or conveniences
- Erudite - characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly
- Amity - friendship; peacefully harmony
- Dauntless - not to be daunted or intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold
- Candor - the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech or expression
{""What makes you think you have the right to shoot someone?" my father says as he follows me up the path. We pass the tattoo place. Where is Tori now? And Christina?
"Now isn't the time for debates about ethics," I say.
"Now is the perfect time," he says, "because you will soon get the opportunity to shoot someone again, and if you don't realize-"
"Realize what?" I say without turning around. "That every second I waste means another Abnegation dead and another Dauntless made into a murderer? I've realized that. Now it's your turn."
"There is a right way to do things."
"What makes you so sure that you know what it is?" I say"}

{""People tend to overestimate my character," I say quietly. "They think that because I'm small, or a girl, or a Stiff, I can't possibly be cruel. But they're wrong." I shift the gun three inches to the left and fire at his arm.
His screams fill the hallway. Blood spurts from the wound, and he screams again, pressing his forehead to the ground. I shift the gun back to his head, ignoring the pang of guilt in my chest.
"Now that you realize your mistake," I say, "I will give you another chance to tell me what I need to know before I shoot you somewhere worse.""}
Tobias. Sigh.. Oh Tobias. We all loved him right. As soon as Tris hit the net we couldn't wait to see more of him and his beautiful blue eyes. And when he shut up Christina or even Peter with the gun in his face, we knew then that he was fierce and not someone to mess around with. But when we saw him stand up to Eric a few times we also say the caring side of him. When he saved Tris from being thrown over the edge of the chasm we saw a protective side. Even so he doesn't stay the same the entire book. He grows as well. He told Tris he doesn't tell anyone his secrets not even his friends and you see that he is starting to trust her. Which is a big deal for Tobias given his background with his father. I am excited to see how he grows too.
{""We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own. I don't want to do that. I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest." He clears his throat. "I continually struggle with kindness."
I can honestly say that there wasn't much I didn't like about this book. I can give a few small stuff I didn't like. But not as much as I liked. I am going to post a few things that fellow readers had problems with.
The government. A lot of readers had a problem with the way it was set up in the book because Abnegation was in control of the government because they were selfless but if they are selfless then how did they get control? If they appointed themselves then that isn't very selfless of them so their whole faction is a sham. But if they other factions appointed them then the Erudite have no reason to be upset because the Abnegation is in charge. Veronica's main audience was young adults and teenagers don't normally question things like the government.
I have already said how much I love the character Tris, but other readers have a problem with the way she was set up. How she had the perfect life with loving parents, a roof, food, and education. So why did she leave? Why is she so cold and cruel? The readers say that she has no reason to be messed up like Tobias is. But I come from a life that you can be messed up just because so I understand the character. But that's not my opinion.
Again other readers have a problem with Tris and Tobias. How they were just thrown together and nothing was leading up to it, and it was awkward and weird and why would someone be with someone like her if she isn't pretty. She is cruel, cold, and heartless so why like her? I disagree. I see the small things like how when Four touched her stomach and she couldn't breath for a second, or how he left the fight because he didn't want to see her get beaten, or him covering for her divergence.
_Fantastic Fiction_
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